Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hooked Up!

Jenny Says:

We got hooked up today! I got to Tommy's appointment and the Medtronic Rep. asked if I wanted to wear a loaner Guardian for 3 days! So we both have one on! It is late, and we are tired! Overall it went well. I'll fill you in tomorrow.


Sandra Miller said...

Wow, Jenny -

That is awesome! I'll keep checking in for updates...

Sleep well tonight-- and with Tommy hooked up to the Guardian, you may be able to do just that :-)

Christine said...

So you get to see your blood sugars too? Cool. It will be interesting to compare the two of you.

Major Bedhead said...

Ooooh! I can't wait to hear about all of this. So jealous....

Kassie said...


You must share some of *your* data with us. I'm so curious as to what it will tell you about your blood sugars!